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Replacing a broken garden gate

In this article I will finally replace  our old and rotten garden gate. I use a strong bracing and tweak the construction to avoid water damage.

Laser Air Filter 2.0

3d printing my own pen kit for highlighters

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Replacing a broken garden gate

In this article I will finally replace  our old and rotten garden gate. I use a strong bracing and tweak the construction to avoid water damage.

Building my dream desk

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Wargame in a Suitcase

In this article I describe how to create an  open source free wargame that is so small that it fits into a suitcase.

Living Cell Table

DIY Knock-down Domino Joints

How to 3d print a DIY loose tenon jig

abecede - FreeCAD for Woodworkers 03 – Parametric Routing Template with the Spreadsheet Workbench

With FreeCAD 0.21 the Alias Manager threw an exception and didn't work for me. Luckily there is another Macro "EasyAlias"…

wayofwood - Building my dream desk

Thanks. I have used this approach in several pieces and never had problems with it. The advantage over breadboards is…

wayofwood - FreeCAD for Woodworkers: Assembly with the A2+ workbench

You can look into the file where I calculate the volume and take this as a template

samuel - Woodworking Cutlist in FreeCAD – FreeCAD for Woodworkers 05

hello, thanks a lot for this tutorial, i did it all for my first project with freecad and it worked…

samuel - FreeCAD for Woodworkers: Assembly with the A2+ workbench

hello, thanks a lot for this tutorial, i did it all for my first project with freecad and it worked…